An architect wrote a small book for small people about a large topic: architecture!
Fortunately, she wrote it as an alphabet book for kids, so that they could learn the alphabet and look at simple drawings to make their way into the wonderful world of structures and the human built environment. It is titled The Little Architect’s Alphabet: Learning your letters through design.
Lora Teagarden is the author. She is an architect and a member of the American Institute of Architects, or the AIA, which is a group of architects who work together to improve the whole work of the architecture profession.
Lora thought it was important to write this book because kids need to know about the built world around them and to be able to think about design – at a very early age. She was interviewed on this website, The Pinchpoint Architect where you can read all about her inspiration and ideas behind writing this book.

Lora has written books before The Little Architect’s Alphabet: Learning your letters through design – but this is the first book she has written for children. It is interesting that the other book is a teaching book for adults ready to take the exams to become a Registered Architect. In a way, she is using her skills as a teacher and as a person who wants to share knowledge and the thrills of architecture with people of all ages.