Why and How to learn about architecture

How do I get my child interested in architecture?

  • Encourage hands-on activities like building with blocks or modeling clay.
  • Take them on architectural outings to explore interesting buildings.
  • Introduce architecture through engaging books, videos, or interactive apps.

What are some basic ideas to teach about architecture for kids?

  • Start by understanding fundamental concepts like scale, proportion, and spatial relationships
  • Explore introductory books, online courses, or workshops for beginners – check these out.
  • Practice sketching and model-making to enhance practical skills

Describe what an architect does.

  • An architect is like a creative problem solver who designs buildings and spaces.
  • They draw plans, consider how people will use the space, and choose materials for construction.

Why is architecture important?

  • Architecture introduces kids to creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking.
  • It helps them understand their environment, culture, and history through the built structures around them.

What kind of training do you need to become an architect?

  • There is no specific age requirement, but becoming an architect typically involves completing formal education and gaining practical experience, which takes several years.
  • Usually people will get an undergraduate degree and a Master’s Degree to become an architect, and then have to work in an office before they can be licensed and called an “architect”.

What are three big categories of architecture?

  • Classical
  • Modern
  • Vernacular

Do you need to know math to be an architect?

  • Math is essential in architecture for tasks such as calculating structural stability, dimensions, and material quantities.
  • Architecture requires a balance of mathematical precision and artistic creativity, making it an interdisciplinary field that incorporates both elements.

archKIDecture was established by Julie Cowan in 1996 to encourage visual literacy and explain math, science and visual arts concepts through the medium of architecture