We recommend this project to build 3D furniture that looks like a lot of fun from the Center for Architecture. It is pretty easy to do. You download the PDF and cut out the flat furniture and then fold ’em up and make the furniture for a mini house. You can use a cardboard box for the house, or a fort you build with pillows and blankets. However, the scale might be off as the furniture will be mini and the fort will fit you!
They also advise that you can use the templates as is, but you can also scale them up, by using a ruler with the template, increasing all of the measurements from 1/2″ to 1″. For that matter, you can increase the measurements (scale up) from 1/2″ to 1 foot and make big furniture! It is up to you.
The people at the Center for Architecture in New York City deserve our thanks for making the templates and this project. Get the Build your own mini furniture project info.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=389Poss9kkIWe also recommend this YouTube video that shows furniture made with paper folding, origami, that might be a little more challenging, but is pretty cute too.
See the video on origami miniature furniture.