Family Day Build at The Branch Museum of Architecture and Design

Kids Learn about Architecture in Richmond, VA

Family Day Build at The Branch Museum of Architecture and DesignWanted to let you know that there is an exciting architecture for kids event planned at The Branch Museum of Architecture and Design for kids to learn a lot about various fields related to architecture and the built environment.

FEBRUARY 3, 2018 in Richmond Virginia.

Frankly, we had never heard of this museum before at archKIDeccture, but we are thrilled to know that architecture education is thriving in Virginia!

The program includes many subjects like Engineering, Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Building with hands-on activities alongside professionals in all of these fields. Who could ask for a better day in February? And perhaps kids will learn about fields that they did not even know existed.

Wish we were nearby and could join in.

Get more info here at The Branch Museum of Architecture and Design‘s website.