The Lego Company that makes LEGO®. Obviously. We love ’em too. LEGO® offers a great supply of projects that they share for free. We looked around and found this one, related to the idea of architecture. It is called “about the idea of “My Home“. It is a 30 minute project to be made with LEGO®. (The photo below is of a sweet boy with a house that he made out of board and stickers. You can make houses out of anything you want.)
Home can be a physical space, a building or structure that is a place where people live, where they eat and play, sleep and argue with their parents. It is also more than just a material place. It could be more of an idea. But in this case, it is something to build. We hope that this project may allow you to talk about what “home” means to you.
Visit the Lego website to find this HOME project: