Month: September 2013

Why a Purple Hotel?

Outside of Chicago, a hotel was built in 1962. Everyone who ever saw it remembers it. It was purple. Bright, shocking, and no-doubt-about-it-PURPLE. The original architect, John Macsai, never planned on it being that color. So how did it happen? How does a building end up not being what the architect designed? As the Purple […]


Prefab is fab-ulous, right? Why? Because it allows for buildings to be built more cheaply and quickly than traditional construction. Walls can be built in factories and the wiring and plumbing pipes can be installed inside of the walls and then these walls can be shipped to the building site and then assembled into a […]

A Great Architecture Book

[amazon_link id=”0547238924″ target=”_blank” ][/amazon_link]This book, titled “If you Lived Here: Houses of the World” [amazon_link id=”0547238924″ target=”_blank” ]”If You Lived Here: Houses of the World”[/amazon_link] has fantastic illustrations. They are collages that are intricate, accurate and colorful, and in real life they are 3-D. Houses of the world includes structures from Spain, South Africa, Canada […]