the pioneering women website

All about Women Architects!

A fantastic website about American women architects can be found on the web – at Pioneering Women Architects of American Architecture. (see

There are not a zillion women on this site, but there are a decent number to get started on your investigation of women in this field that has been so filled with men historically.

Photo of Julia Morgan, architect from the website,

There are stories about Ray Eames, Marion Mahoney Griffin, and Julia Morgan, who are all pretty well-known. And there are also stories about many other women architects, who you might not have heard of, like Isabel Roberts or Lutah Maria Riggs.

There does not seem to be too many photos of many of these women, especially compared with famous male architects like Frank Lloyd Wright.

The layout of the site helps you to see the women in chronological order and individually with enough of their background to want to find out more.

Thank you to the Beverly Willis Architecture Foundation for creating this resource.