Tiny WPA

Desks and Chairs for Kids!

There is an organization called Tiny WPA based in Philadelphia. It was named after the Works Progress Administration – which is an interesting US government project from back in 1935. Anyway, Tiny WPA is a youth-led community design improvement program. We want to give them KUDOS for doing great work!

Tiny WPA desk and chair made for kids who are studying at home.
Tiny WPA Desk and Chair

Tiny WPA has been working recently designing some amazing desks and seats for kids for their homes. They are great looking and very functional. They have had over 800 orders to make the desks because they make them for free! for folks who need them. (If you can pay them some money, they gladly accept!) They are willing to share the pattern in case anyone wants to make these desks in their own communities.

Tiny WPA started a project called Build-It Disks. They recycle old signs made of double-walled cardboard and cut them into shapes with small slits so that you can build all sorts of structures. And you can tear them down and build again. Find out more about Build-It Disks and get them for your family or your community!

Tiny WPA