Farnsworth House map

Don’t Throw Stones

Farnsworth House mapPeople in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, or so we hear. And it makes sense. But maybe more importantly, they should not walk around naked.
That is, unless your glass house is built in a forest, where other people are not around. Then you can feel like you live purely in nature with the greenery, the birds, and the squirrels so close, you can touch them.
Maybe another rule if you live in a glass house is that you keep everything very, very neat – because anyone who visits can see EVERYTHING.

Two famous architects, Mies Van der Rohe and Philip Johnson both famously built glass houses. They are modern and oh so very lovely. An artist named Sarah Morris filmed an interesting short video where you can see the houses and get a sense of what it feels like to be there.

We guess another rule for living in a glass house would be to keep those windows clean. Otherwise what is the point?

Here is a book about [amazon_link id=”0764324438″ target=”_blank” ]Mies van der Rohe’s Farnsworth House[/amazon_link] located in Plano Illinois.

And a beautiful book titled [amazon_link id=”0847838161″ target=”_blank” ]The Glass House[/amazon_link]about Philip Johnson’s architectural gem too.