The High Line in New York after the renovation

Hiya High Line!

The High Line in New York after the renovationOn a visit to New York City we were able to visit the relatively new and incredibly great High Line. You may have heard about this great urban project – where some dedicated citizens who were tired of looking at some old, unused raised railroad tracks in Manhattan pushed a project to make these old tracks into a sweet, interesting and – I have to say it – AWESOME park.

Yes, it is a park that walks through Manhattan on old metal legs, right through the edge of Chelsea.

Sometimes this kind of project, where you take an older structure and use it for a different purpose, is called “urban renewal” or “reuse”. Under any name, it is a great idea.

HIgh Line in New York before photoThis area is having a huge renaissance in great part due to this architectural project. It is so great how the built environment can influence life in so many ways. From a cruddy, rusty old bunch of iron, the park is now filled with wooden benches, native flowers, trees and lovely fencing – as well as so many people enjoying the space. There is even a spot where you can be standing over the busy street below. It is very mcuh worth a visit.
here is their website – take a look and then get there!