Anna Keichline portrait

One of the First Woman Architects

Anna Wagner Keichline was one of the first women to be a registered architect in the US – back from 1906-1911 in the great state of Pennsylvania. She also designed a bunch of things and earned patents for them, which was quite unusual for a woman in the US back then.

One of the useful items she designed was a kind of brick called a “K brick” which does not look like the letter K to us, but it is not like a typical brick. In fact it is a precursor, or something that came before, a cement block versus a brick. It was admired because it was inexpensive, fireproof, and lightweight and the shape could be used to make a variety of wall shapes.

She also designed a bed that folded up into the wall, which is very handy if a person does not have much space in their home or apartment. In addition, there were space saving kitchens, and sinks, all considerations for people who live in small spaces.

Anna designed buildings too as an architect, but she is more well known for these other items she designed. If you study architecture you don’t have to design structures – you might be like Anna and design other items in the built environment. Who knows? Maybe it will be a Y shaped brick – that doesn’t even look like a Y!

Read more about Anna Wagner Keichline here.