sandcastle on archKIDecture website

Sandcastle Surprise at the Beach

archKIDecture is located in Evanston Illinois, which is so fortunate to be on the shore of Lake Michigan. Lake Michigan is a HUGE lake – a GREAT LAKE in fact, and one of the GREAT LAKES of the world, where there is an abundance of beautiful, fresh water. (Not the salty variety you find in the ocean.) Our lake is so big that you cannot see the state of Michigan on the other side of it, so it seems like an ocean.

ANYWAY….on this beautiful day someone had built THIS incredible architectural structure. With a surving staircase, towers, arched entry – what the heck?

We are so lucky to have seen it before it got smushed by kids or waves or wind. If you build one this summer and have photos, please send them to us and we will post them on archKIDecture.

sandcastle on archKIDecture website
sandcastle on archKIDecture website