homenmade kid's house in Evanston

Something to Build While at Home

homenmade kid's house in Evanston

Walking down the street, minding my own business, and what did I see? This incredible homemade home made on the front lawn of this home. I don’t know much about it but I would guess that it was made of found materials and painted in a most elegant and extravagant fashion! 

Who would not want to venture in and make a up a new world? This could be a castle in olde Scotland, or a haunted house on a mountain in Vermont, or a cabin deep in a forest, with only wild animals outside of it.

Maybe, during this time when we are all stuck at home, you can find some boxes and build a structure yourself. And if you have paint, you can paint some interesting patterns on the outside too. Or keep it brown so it blends into the ground…

homenmade kid's house in Evanston