Goblin Garage

Facade of Funny Men

Goblin Garage mei2 mei3The De Goblin parking garage in Almere, in the Netherlands is quite a cute building. It is not small and cute, it fits over 400 parking spaces. It is cute because the facade is covered in fanciful designs of gnomes and windmills. Metal plates have been perforated with holes and molded into scenes of things familiar about the local culture. And then there are planters that protrude off of the structure, with living green plants to offset all of the metalwork. Interesting that even the plants that were selected differ on each side of the structure, depending on the light and how well they will survive and flourish in different spots. This architecture firm, called Mei Architecten, has built several interesting structures and are worth investigating.

The metal panels are almost transparent at night, as the light from the interior of the building shines out – making the structure seem light and airy. Maybe it is just that the gnomes have run away to have a party somewhere and the walls disappear until morning. Have to visit Almere to find out.

See more on Mei and the garage here

Photo credits: Top and Middle photo from Mei Architecten, Bottom photo from Jeroen Musch. Thank you.