Author: admin

A 3D Printed Bridge – WOW!

In Shanghai China, inventive designers and engineers created a bridge that was built by a 3D printer. Usually we think of 3D printers using plastic material as it makes layer upon layer to create the 3 dimensional object. In this case, CONCRETE was used to create the layers. A robotic arm moved back and forth […]

Rolling Bridges Don’t Fall Down

Rather than design a single rigid element that fractures to allow river traffic through, Heatherwick Studio’s Rolling Bridge opens by slowly and smoothly curling until it transforms from a conventional pedestrian platform into a circular sculpture which sits on the bank of the canal. This bridge was part of a huge development at Paddington Basin […]

Making a Model of the Big Apple

An artist, Zeyd Menk, made a scaled model of Manhattan (New York City) out of recycled computer parts and hot glue. The artist used Google Maps as a reference to see the location of buildings. Google also helped to determine the height and the shape of the buildings. The Empire State Building even lights up […]