Category: featured

Don’t Play with Your Food, Young Man!

So, at archKIDecture, we are not huge fans of wasting food or using it in ways that are not going to be eaten, however, this use of the superfood broccoli, could not go unnoticed. This artist, Brock Davis, took his healthy food to heart and art and made a tree house out of toothpicks in […]

Be a Tourist in Your Own City

A number of cities across the world have been organizing free public events, called OpenHouse.The events allow behind-the-scenes access to over 100’s of great sites for one select weekend in a given city. You have the opportunity to see private houses, public structures and secret spaces that are otherwise closed to the public. And it […]

A Jumpy Wall

This wall seems to be nervous…when you approach it, it starts to jump and move! Designed by an architecture firm in New York called nARCHITECTS, the wall is made of foam and a bunch of electronic sensors that can tell when someone is near it. Once it senses you, it causes the foam to move, […]

Penrose Stairs..Huh?

How do they work? Or do they work at all? Try to go upstairs…or try to go downstairs. Or heck, try to get off of the stairs! Penrose stairs are named after a father and son who have the last name of Penrose. (The stairs have nothing else to do with pens or flowers.) It […]