Category: learn about architecture

Interesting Spaces in Faraway Places

This architecture firm designs structures that can be built with local materials, without a lot of large equipment or teams of workers, so that people with very little can build structures that are useful and beautiful. In places like Thailand, Uganda and Indonesia, the architecture firm of TYIN tegnestue, from Norway, designs interesting structures to […]

Too Cool Schools

At the Center for Architecture in New York City, you can visit an exhibit about the architecture of schools – of the fantastic schools of Finland. They are fabulous because the Finnish school system churns out staggering students (with great educations in any case.) Maybe the schools in the US could learn a little from […]

Dr. Spock …What’s Up?

This mosaic can be seen at a Jewish synagogue in Chicago. The building is in great disrepair and the mosaic is one of the only parts of the interior that is still beautiful. When you walk in the building, the paint is peeling, the plaster is torn off, pigeons have pooped all over the benches […]

Artists Consider Architecture

A single column of Legos is one artist’s interpretation of architecture. Can you imagine that? Once single column of Lego blocks – granted, it IS pretty tall but doesn’t that just make you want to say, “Really?” The Lego tower is part of a new art exhibit in Chicago at the Museum of Contemporary Art […]

Be a Tourist in Your Own City

A number of cities across the world have been organizing free public events, called OpenHouse.The events allow behind-the-scenes access to over 100’s of great sites for one select weekend in a given city. You have the opportunity to see private houses, public structures and secret spaces that are otherwise closed to the public. And it […]