Author: admin


Ever wonder about traveling to the moon? We think it is interesting that there are companies that are already trying to figure out how to build hotels on the moon. They are preparing for a time when travel is easy, like jumping on an airplane to another city, except you will jump on a shuttle […]


Blair Kamin has an interesting job. He is an architecture critic. That means that he knows a lot about architecture and then he applies what he knows to give opinions about the built environment which he writes up in books and newspapers, magazines and on the web. So he is NOT an architect, but rather […]

Lunchbag Homes

So many of us carry a brown paper bag to school each day, with our peanut butter and jelly sandwich, some peeled carrots, pita chips, perhaps a couple of chocolate chip cookies. But did you ever consider that ordinary bag outside of the confines of lunch? Did you ever think about it as a structure? […]

Architectural Doll Houses

Doll Houses are miniature worlds. Built to scale, they can be pretty dreamy and fantastic, perfect for a doll, or a mouse. In the UK, many architects were asked to design and build dollhouses and to put them up for auction to benefit kids. The results are spectacular. Some of the doll houses would be […]

The Tonight Show loves Architecture

Have you seen this beautiful wooden New York City, every night on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon? You can see the Chrysler Building, the Empire State, The Trump Building, The Woolworth Building and so many more. The buildings on the set were designed by Eugene Lee. He is a set designer for plays and […]

A-Door-able Door

Sometimes an artist, designer or architect tries to rethink a common question. In this case it is “What is a door?” Austrian artist Klemens Torggler came up with this sort of origami door that splits in half and folds up. Instead of sliding on a track or a pivot on the corner, the panels fold […]

A Lego World in Google

A new app, called “Build with Chrome” allows you to build a lego building online with as many blocks as you need at no cost! Yahoo! And then once you are satisfied with your structure, you place it in the world, on an empty area of a Google Map, that is made of Legos. YOu […]