Category: learn about architecture

Dwelling on a Cincinnati Architecture Education Project

You can’t really argue with a program that is a free, hands-on, project-based learning experience for schools, educators and students, grades K-12. Cincinnati is one lucky place indeed! The project called Design Lab is an in-classroom program that includes visits by built-environment professionals who visit the classroom one time per month for four months in a row. […]


Depending on where you live, you might have bamboo growing in your backyard or neighborhood. It is a plant that grows incredibly quickly and provides an excellent building material. Elora Hardy started a bamboo construction company in Bali, Indonesia because bamboo “… has the compressive force of concrete and the tensile strength of steel, is […]

What? A 3D-Printed Apartment Building?

Yessir, that is what the headline reads: “World’s first 3D-printed apartment building constructed in China” – what the heck? A Chinese company, named WinSun, built a five story building with 3-D printed materials. It was built out of recycled building materials.Pieces were printed with a giant printer and then brought to the building site. Production […]