Category: building projects

Sip that Geodesic Dome!

We saw this little geodesic dome in the halls of one of the science buildings at Northwestern University. What a cool little project with stuff that might be floating around your house – well, floating in your milkshake. (And I am not talking about the nuts and bolts, just the straws.) You just need to […]

Houses of Paper

This Japanese architecture firm has designed some really interesting projects, including this project in Japan, which was built as temporary housing after a natural disaster. The architecture firm, called Shigeru Ban Architects is very successful at building projects out of paper and cardboard. Especially since paper and cardboard are easy to manufacture and recyclable too. […]

Build Your Own- Like Abe Lincoln Did!

Everyone around here in Illinois knows the stories of how Abraham Lincoln built his own log cabin home, and we are doggone proud of his hard work and honest labors. Well, with a pair of scissors,some heavyweight paper and a dash of glue, you can build some honest Illinois buildings yourself. Once built, put them […]