Author: admin

Busy Builder of Mini Buildings

Charles Young has a fancy for building things. He decided to build a small building each day for a full year. Yessirree. 365 buildings in as many days. Each building is a miniature work of art and function. The windmill, pictured, runs around and powers an ax that cuts wood next to the building. Each […]

Rebuild reBUILDS an Old Bank

“Rebuild Foundation is a nonprofit organization in Chicago that aims to REBUILD teh cultural foundations in underinvested neighborhoods and incite movements of community revitalization that are culture based, artist led and neighborhood driven.” That is that it says front and center on the Rebuild Foundation website. And clearly, Theaster Gates, the founder of Rebuild, knows […]

96 Days of Architecture in Chicago

Countdown until October 3, 2015. The Chicago Biennial begins on that day in autumn, when there will be exhibitions and structures, converations, lectures and stuff to do for 96 days of architecture. More details to follow the Chicago Architecture Biennial website.  And we will post what is up for kids here, once we know more. […]

Architecture = the Game of Twister

You know when you play Twister and you start out and it is easy? Right hand on the blue dot, left foot on the red dot. No problem. But as you continue spinning the arrow, it gets more and more difficult to get that right foot in the right place, and hey, your right hand […]

Record Breaking Legos in UK!

On August 10th, you need to get to the Boroughbridge Library (in Boroughbridge, UK of course…) because there is going to be an event to build with lots and LOTS of Legos! Anyone is welcome and the session is free. We live in the US, but this might warrant a trip across the pond (also […]

A Real-Life Origami House?

Fold it up in the winter and open it up when the weather warms up, this house moves around on tracks so that it can change shape. How great is that? An architecture firm in London, called D*Haus came up with this moveable structure called the D*Dynamic. The definition of dynamic is “characterized by constant change, […]


A long, long time ago, when we at archKIDecture were just young children, only boys got to build with toys. Girls did not. Girls got soft toys, like dolls and stuffed animals, and they could dress them up and carry them around. Boys got toys to build with, blocks and legos, and they got dolls too, […]

Construction Contest for Kids

Do you know about K’Nex? It is a company that makes small plastic building toys that snap together and can  move and be large and flexible. 5 to 14 Year olds are able to enter. From June 8 til August 28 this K’Nex company is holding a contest for K’Nex builders, called K’Nexperts. They say […]

Wright Kind of Summer Camp

Kids aged 7-9 in Scottsdale are lucky to have an opportunity to learn at Taliesin West, Frank Lloyd Wright’s home and school in Arizona in a summer camp about architecture. The goal is to promote creative thinking and problem solving – and to see the results of Wright’s brainwork has got to be inspirational. Sessions […]