Author: admin

Don’t Forget to Remember This

So, an author named Joshua Foer recently wrote a book, Moonwalking with Einstein, about remembering. Not just remembering to bring your lunch to school, but remembering the order of ten (10!) decks of cards that are shuffled together – REALLY REMEMBERING. As he started to write about remembering, he studied the skills of HOW to […]

Build Your Own- Like Abe Lincoln Did!

Everyone around here in Illinois knows the stories of how Abraham Lincoln built his own log cabin home, and we are doggone proud of his hard work and honest labors. Well, with a pair of scissors,some heavyweight paper and a dash of glue, you can build some honest Illinois buildings yourself. Once built, put them […]

Infinite Curves

When we looked up the meaning of the word “Asymptote” we found the following meaning at the Merriam Webster Site: : asymptote: a straight line associated with a curve such that as a point moves along an infinite branch of the curve the distance from the point to the line approaches zero and the slope […]

Architecture on Film

This fall there is a series of architecture-related movies available in Evanston, near Chicago. Films about Louis Sullivan (one of our heroes), Mies Van Der Rohe, and some fictional stories about architects are in the line-up.  Bring your own popcorn. Sorry, these movies are over now and the listing is no longer available.