Category: archKID facts

What? This House Cleans Itself!

From the collection of wacky and brilliant ideas in the world, we present the Self Cleaning House! Yes, an inventor and artist, named Frances Gabe, came up with this idea because she wanted to be free from the mundane task of cleaning her home. She had this idea and she spent years building out her […]

Gray Scale

Born in Ireland on August 9 1878, Eileen Gray lived in England and France most of her life. Gray started as a painter and lacquerist (a person who specializes in applying lacquer.) She made art, designed buildings and also furniture. Some of her furniture became iconic – meaning that if you see it you know […]

Chicago Architecture Biennial is Coming Back!!

Last time was 2017, and since Biennial’s come around every two years, there will be another one in Chicago this fall. And exciting news for us is that archKIDecture will be involved! We will be doing some programs with young kids at the Chicago Cultural Center so you can have fun and your parents/grownups/adults too! […]