Author: admin

Modernism among Palm Trees

Modernism is a style of architecture built in the 1950’s. It is recognizable for straight lines, geometric shapes, lots of windows and light, and little decoration. Palm Springs, California is home for a great deal of modernist homes and structures. Architect William F. Cody designed many of these buildings. A film titled, “Desert Maverick,”  uncovers his prolific […]

Fold Up a Playhouse

Artist/designer Huy Voun Lee is very clever. Origami Playhouse is more than a book, it is a fold out structure with instructions and supplies with which to make origami furniture. It is cleverly constructed for unfolding to play with and then refolding to store. And it is challenging (but not Too Much) so that a child (perhaps […]

He Drew Upside Down

Paul R. Williams was a remarkable architect because he designed so many different types of buildings well, because he was a design innovator and a design thinker. Being a black man was (and continues to be) unusual in the field of architecture. Back in his day, it was almost unheard of. He was an excellent draftsman (someone […]

3D Printed Thingys Make Platonic Solids!

You see, there is a man who came up with some 3D printed connector thingys that work with dowels to build any of the five platonic solids. You can go to that website and download the instructions for 3D printing all of the connector thingys. And have a great time building the shapes as […]

So You Want to Be an Architect?

This might be the right book for you! The Aspiring Architect is a workbook, well let’s not call it a WORK book…it is more like a FUN book where you can draw, color, and sketch and (meanwhile) learn something about architecture too. It is an exploration of architecture that is big and famous, like Jefferson’s Monticello, as […]

What is a Favela?

Although the word sounds sort of glamorous, a favela is not that at all – it is a type of very dense slum, or housing for very poor people, typically found in Brazil’s urban areas. Strangely enough, the word favela comes from a sort of tree that makes people itch. In the late 19th century, […]

Bird’s Eye View

Menno Aden is an artist who photographs rooms from above, like a bird looking down into a room without a roof. How does he find all of these rooms without roofs? There are never people in these rooms so they have this sort of abstract feeling, like it is playroom for dolls and not real at […]

Do You Know your Building Trivia?

We cannot wait to visit Washington DC to see the Whitehouse, of course, and wave hello to President Obama, and also to visit the National Building Museum. Currently there is an exhibit about icebergs at the museum! Well, really the exhibit is the effect of global warming on the built environment. It looks like great […]